DSL Switch ISP Request


    Current DSL Provider

    Name on Existing Account

    DSL Telephone Number

    Local Phone Company

    DSL Speed

    DSL Installation Address




    Contact Person*



    Billing Address




    This form is intended as authorization for "Local Phone Company" to terminate DSL service with "Current DSL Provider". I further authorize "Local Phone Company" to establish DSL service for the "DSL Telephone Number" with Netwood Communications, LLC.

    I certify under perjury that I am the responsible party / billing contact for the primary telephone service listed above.

    Full Name*

    Completing the ISP change form authorizes SBC or Verizon to terminate DSL service with your current Internet service provider and further authorizes SBC or Verizon to establish DSL service with Netwood Communications,LLC. Opting to use the ISP change process will reduce or eliminate the amount of downtime that you may experience when switching from your current Internet service provider to Netwood. Even thou most clients experience less than 24 hours of downtime during this process, Netwood Communications, LLC can not guarantee that this will apply to your switch over. Netwood Communications, LLC is not responsible for any loss of business during the switch over and/or any early termination or cancellation fees from your current Internet service provider if your service is under a contract term.
